The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

Fresh Meat

Bone Bags



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11.03.03 - 16:21

Today I feel: Tired, and needy for sleep

Music of the moment: Evanescence - Going under

Something: Procrastination is the fuel of my existence, therefore, it sucks.

So here I am at Chabot at the computer lab. Yay. I hate this place, cause you can't even look up porn, cause you have no privacy. I would definately be more inclined to being here if they offered porn access at certain times.

My big history test is on wednsday. Hopefully, with all the studying i have done already, it will be enough to get me the grade I want.

Waylon and I are hoping for no rain for tomorow so that we can go on a picnic. I think a picninc would be a lovely change of pace, and maybe even relaxing, which goddess knows I need.

Work sucks big time. But again, thats nothing new. If it weren't for the fact that I want to do something better with my life than slop photos for a Nazi style corporation, i would just quit and take my chances.

Uggh, I need money! Everyone reading this should send me a nickle. Just a nickle, come on, everyone has a nickle! There is even probably one just wasting away in the folds of your couch. You should send it to me! I can always use nickles. I can always use any kind of money, from Pennies upwards.

If you think you can spare me a nickle, you should drop a note in my guestbook or write me an email, and I will tell you how to send me that lovely nickle. Please remember to include a way to get a hold of you.

Sincerely, Danielle

Operator of "Broke girl needs your nickles" fund.

P.S. I am totally serious. Uncle sam wants you to give me your nickle.

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