The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

Fresh Meat

Bone Bags



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11.02.03 - 18:50

today I feel: angry and tired

Music of the moment: cocteau twins - beatrix

Something: goddamn I hate my job

So I wake up monday and I go to check my email, and as I was turning on the monitor, I hear it pop and then it died. So I have been without the ability to use my computer for the last week. Right now, I am on my mom's crappy laptop, because I can't be without a computer, I have things to do. The only thing is is that it boots me offline for any little thing, so I had to type this up on word, try to connect to the internet, and paste it because I kept being booted offline.

So work sucks, but thats nothing new. School is doing well, but I am running into crunch time with math and history class. Uggh, cant I be done yet?

I signed up for gold membership again, so hopefully soon I will have some pictures to grace this diary with. As soon as I get my old monitor found and hooked up, that is.

Waylon and I are going on a picknick on tuesday. I just hope it doesn't rain, but if it does, we'll have an indoor picknick.

Halloween was good. We ended up at a party and got trashed, and then ate much pizza, and I was able to get 2 hours of sleep! Thats more than I thought I would get.

I met more of Waylon's family. It was fun! Those are the only people on the planet that you could have conversations about fecal matter at the dinner table and have it be normal.

Hopefully, I'll get some time at school to write more often, cause I know it has been a while.

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