The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

Fresh Meat

Bone Bags



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05.08.03 - 10:03

Today I feel: In desperate need of a shower and a nap

Music of the moment: Iris - annie would I lie to you? (I would, wouldn't you?)

Something: Wow, I just heard a white guy say "for serious, dude" and actually mean it.

So today I start the long four day stretch of work. Yay, extra money for the paycheck, extra pain for me.

Today in speech class, we are doing thepersonal icon bag thing. You pick three things that mean something to you, put them in a plain undecorated paper bag, and then get other people to do this. The point is that you pick up someone else's bag, and give a speech on what you think that person is like based on the items.

I showed my mom my items, strangers in paradise trade paperback, a bumper sticker that says "I still miss my ex, but my aim is improving", and my gothic bondage collar. She had a fit about how I was bringing her shame, so to get her to shut up, I traded the collar for something else, a collection of Gorey. She was appeased, im blah.

Anyway, got to go to class.

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Madhouse Graphics

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