The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

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2002-02-12 - 8:30 a.m.

Today I am: Giggling like an insane person.

Music of the moment: Bis - kill your boyfriend.

Well, here we are, almost to THAT day. My consolation is that there are things like the "Happy Tree Friends" valentines e-games. If you've never seen Happy Tree Friends, you are missing out on something great. All I can say is that I flinch in sympathy pain for Cuddles the bear. She's too cute, yet she always gets the shitty end of the stick.

Besides, I was wrong about Aric. I don't think he's gonna be cool with me anymore. OH well, its not like I didn't see this coming.

I am currently collecting songs to download so as to make an "Valentines day sucks" tape. Right now, the concept is to make one side the "I hate love" side, and the other one all the love themed stuff I happen to like. Like Barry White. "kill your boyfried, ya ya ya, kill your boyfriend, ya ya ya. Kill my girlfriend, no no no, kill my girlfriend, no no no." Bis is great, they are twacked in a respectable way. I definately have to put some Depeche mode in there somewhere. Its just a given.

Must go to class today, must go to class today. uggh, I don't want to go, but I have to, already more days than I should have. Oh well, must get ready for class. Remember ladies, do us all a favor and kill your boyfriend.

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