The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

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2002-02-11 - 12:14 p.m.

Today I feel: like a fairy princess dunked in brine.

Music of the moment: The cure - killing an arab.

Well, its been a few days since I've last written, and nothing major has happened. Thank the whatever.

Last night was our latest installment of role playing, complete with the usual and not so usual fan fare. When I started this diary, I decided to be open and honest with it, not leaving much of anything out, all in the good name of being able to beat myself for it later. I still intend to do this, because I enjoy it, but I realise that I have to take everything in stride because of it. No prob bob.

Example of last night: Leigh ends up spending most of the night crying, she had just gotten robbed on saturday. And I get questioned about certain(read last) entries in this diary. Got that cleared up, (was just a confusion between Eric and Aric), and then proceeded to kick some midievial butt. Calling it short by about an hour, we all left Leigh to cope. Of course, Alison, Holly, and myself left game for an hour for a coffee/food(me)/booze run. No one was terribly happy with that, except for us.

I bought these colorform thingies yesterday. A fairy princess one, and some mythical creature ones. They are neato. OH well, need to work on my English paper. Hope those of you who read like my new doohickies. Im just proud of the picture.

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Madhouse Graphics

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