The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

Fresh Meat

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04.15.02 - 13:31

Today I feel: Wasted, and angry

Well, they are dead. My axolotls that is. Twinkle and Citrus met their unfortunate doom this weekend while I was away. Cause of death is unkown at this point, but I have a feeling it was due to something Citrus ate. And well, since Citrus died first, Twinkle noshed on him, so Twinkle died.

I am tired and fed up with people and my pets getting taken from me. If this continues much longer, I think I will seriously consider residency in my local forest as a hermit. Although giving Waylon up would be hard.

Plus I have a hickey on my neck the size of Chicago. Must make the rules more than clear next time.

*raises almost empty bottle of Jack* Here's to Twinkle and Citrus, may you rest in peace in the waters of the great lake. And to Cozmo and Xeke, may you live well, wherever you are.

till next time

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