The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

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12.10.02 - 08:09

Today I feel: Crampy, pissed off, But really really relieved.

Music of the moment: The faint - Glass Danse

Something: Why is it that when you ask for a female ob/gyn you almost assuredly get a male?

Well, the actuall results aren't back, but my exam was yesterday, and basically what the asshole "doctor" told me was that there appeared to be NOTHING wrong with me!! And this is after he poked, scraped, and cut slices off MY NONI! He got to look at it, said nothing appeared to be wrong, but did some "cultures" anyway. Yeah, safe side and all. Fucker.

I feel a little sorry for Waylon, he went with me, and I was SO PISSED when I got out of the office. My mom drove us, so when I got out of the office, I handed her the paperwork, and started to put my coat on. She started to read through it, and I remember saying to her "Don't read it, lets just get the fuck out of this place." Like I said, I was not happy. I proceeded to stomp march all the way to the car, and Waylon caught up with me, and started to put his arm around my shoulders, and I said, "Don't touch me". I appologised for it later that night, and He said it was no big deal, he understood. So we get home, at this point, I hadn't said a word since we got in the car, and I told them the "Good News". My mom was relieved, and told me I should be happier, but I just kinda looked at her and said Im in too much pain to fucking be happy. So my mom left me and Waylon alone, and I proceeded to get better once the motrin she gave me kicked in. She just made me so upset, because she kicked into insto-mom, and when it only happens rarely, it is so stupid. She's almost never around, so when she is, she kicks into 60 second parenting mode, which was ok when I was 13, but I am 21 now, and its a little late for that.

Waylon took me out to lunch too. We had fatty, oh so fatty, but good, oh so good, Philly Cheese Steaks. So good. And he started to tell me his version of the day. He said he heard me coming and knew I was pissed before he saw me, just by the way my wallet chain was jingling fast and harsh. So he was at least prepared for me, so he was ok with my first hour or so. Then it all got better from there. So then we got some Dvds, now that I have a DVD player. We watched Lilo and Stitch, and then we watched the first disk of 3 of the 10th kingdom. Really good, but strange. The first disk was like 4 hours, and with 2 more disks, we decided to just go to sleep. Well, eventually anyway.... Sigh, I love that guy.

Anyway, I have to head off to class, its about that time.

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