The current mood of silent_heart at

Diary of a Silent Heart

Fresh Meat

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05.08.02 - 15:03

Today I feel: a little headache-y.

Music of the moment: Queen - Crazy little thing called love

So, ok, Waylon is gonna meet the folks tonight. Their approval doesn't matter much to me, especially marx's, but if he doesn't "pass" the test, as it were, things would be difficult for him should he come to my house. Therefore, I would be forced to go to his ALL the time, and while I don't mind, its a long ways away for me to travel. So I just hope things go well tonight, although, I am positive they will like him. Whats not to like.

Well, just got out of Bio lecture. Learned way more about the reproductive system than I had ever thought was known before. Plus, I got my "fears allayed" about my mom's previous miscarriages affecting me. According to him, the very act of me being is proof that I don't have the lethal genes my mother did. So, according to him, due to the accidental incident where the genes of my mother and biological father didn't meet up, Im ok. Nice to know for future refference.

Of course, he also likened birth to football(american), by assuming the crouching position and saying "allright, sock it to me." heh.

Had to examine various fetuses in jars, including human, and the doggie born withought a face saddened me. He apparently, due to a loss of the cells that would have made up those things, he was born withought a nose, mouth or eyes, rendering it dead on birth. Very small, very sad.

*grin* On a better note, Waylon and I, in addition to being grilled by my mom and Marx, get a good steak dinner at the outback. Pluss, when Waylon and I get home, we get a house empty of house burning fathers and ugly, spoild sick little children. Did I mention that, that Mark almost burned the house down? Well, he did. He left the house around 5 pm, and left the stove burner on, I came home at 11pm, found it still on. And that damn little girl gave me her stomache flu. So they aren't going to be there tonight.

Anyway, its time for me to catch my bus to meet Waylon. Till next time.

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