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Diary of a Silent Heart

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03.20.02 - 18:31

Today I feel: Really really happy

Well, I met Waylon last night. He's perfect, and Im totally smitten. He is too, so it works out great.

He's about six foot three, slender but not skinny, has brown hair just past his shoulders, and doesn't wear glasses. He is commonly dressed in slacks and oxford shirts, with a fedora. I love love love it.

After we met at a cafe, Shan, Dylan, Waylon and I, we went back to Waylons house to watch tetsuo iron man. Well, that didn't end up working out, so we watched Brazil instead. One of his fav movies. Not only is he intellegent and insightful, but he's got really good taste too.

So we watched Brazil. Unfortunately, the movie ended at twelve thirty, which means bart in north berkely was almost gone. with the bart station half an hour away, I was stuck. So I crashed at Waylons. We stayed up all night, talking and listning to Tom Waits. We have so much in common, and he likes me for me. Not to sound cliche or anything. He even thinks Im pretty, and he likes my glasses. Did I mention he's perfect? Sigh, I miss him already, and I just saw him this morning.

When I had to leave to catch bart to get to class, he walked me there, we held hands. We stopped at this bagel shop, and he bought me a bagel and coffee, super sweet of him, and when we finally got to the bart station, He promised to call me on friday. Then he kissed me. All I have to say about that is "got damn". I finally had to step back so I could clear my head enough to remember that I had to get to class. I cant get him out of my head. I have really good feelings about this.

Cant wait til friday.

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